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Server/Kalypso Question

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Jan 2006

We are training on an Avid NewsQPro server system and I have a question. We are switching on a GVG Kalypso. If the on air tally sytem is on the NewsQPro (which doesn't allow tapes online to be recued etc) then I can't use basic transform engine effects. For instance if I am using a simple page turn from vt-11 to vt-12 and the ME is online then I can't play vt-12 because it sees vt-12 as being online even though it is keyed behind vt-11. The trainer said that most stations just turn off on air tally to correct the problem. Then the tape decks (ok channels) don't cue up to the next tape automatically. You would have to hit "Cue Next" after getting off the tape.
Any suggestions. Did I make myself clear?


Bob Ennis
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
With a slide, the DPM circuitry knows to turn off the tally. Page turns are warps, and as such the system doesn't know that adjusting the offset "X" amount actually takes the video off-screen, even though you don't see it. For example a full-size image can be pulled off screen using the offset, but if you shrink the image you'll see the image with the same offset. So tally with warps really doesn't work. The quick fix is to insert a new 1st keyframe that has black in it (or has the key turned off). Make this a 1-field duration. The VT won't get a tally until the 2nd KF. When it pages full, you can either undercut to black or to the same VT to clear the other source's tally. If you undercut to the same VT, then you can drop the key, clearing the DPM.

Bob Ennis

Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Bill, are you using the Transform Engine for your page turn? If this is a page turn ON ("vt-12" comes ON screen) then I believe that if you make sure that no video from "vt-12" is being seen, then there will be no tally sent. I remember asking this same question about effecting on video from a server, and the trainer (Mr. Ennis) showed me that it only gets a tally when on screen (but you have to make sure it is completely off screen on the 1st KF). However, when I was shown this, it was a straight slide, and not a page turn, but it should still work. If you are using an external DVE, then depending on how the DVE is connected, "vt-12" may not be getting a tally at all. If so, then again, look to see that "vt-12" is off screen, you should see the high tally on the Aux Panel turn to a low tally (I've seen a Dveous work this way). If not, just push your page turn off screen on the 1st KF till you get a low tally, wherever you are keying it. If it is page turn OFF ("vt-11" goes OFF screen to reveal "vt-12), build your effect so that "Black" (or "vt-11" for that matter) is on the A bus, and "vt-12" is on the B bus, then when you hit run, your effect under-cuts for you to your next source, and page turns off to what you want, just like SAHONEN has just mentioned. If it's a DVE effect, find some way to have that 2nd video off screen and cuts under on the 2nd KF to your next source. Let us know what works for you. --- Dan
User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Try this, put black underneath vt-11 and put vt-12 in preview, then you make the effect that runs your page turn do an undercut just before it runs the turn. That way, vt-12 doesn't get tally until you run the effect.
- Stephan Ahonen