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Kalypso keyer mask with transform

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Dec 2005

Is there any way to tell the transform engine to ignore the mask side of the keyer? I want to have a static mask and only manipulate the fill with the tranform engine.

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 4 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
Tim - I pulled the posting myself. But I still stand 100% behind what I posted...it looks like we will have to wait until after September to verify the truth.

Bob Ennis

brad fisher
User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Aug 2005
[quote="Tim Miller"]Dear All, I have been following this forum for some time now and find it most interesting to exchange information this way. I have to confess that I am not very experienced with forums and therefore have a question. I did see a message in this threat from Bob saying that Kalypso software development will be discontinued in September. Since I have a number of clients with Kalypsos this obviously is no good news to me. What really surprises me is that this post disappeared overnight. Can anyone explain why this is? Was this wrong information? Tim[/quote] There's a post back in May where Bob suggests version 14 is the final Kalypso build. I don't remember why, but I too had a date like September in mind. It's probably still in there somewhere, unless Bob or someone has edited the post. It's good to hear that this ("final" build) may now no longer be the case. There's still many things I'd like to see happening in Kalypso software development. At the very least I'd like every button on the panel actually accomplish something ... without me needing to write the Macro and attach it. And I'd love to see the things that were in the marketting brochure when my company embarked on a process that now sees us purchasing our 21st Kalypso (I think I counted that right). It's disappointing to still be waiting. (Though I know that's it's possible that the focus of the company was bound to change when it was subsumed by Thomson, since they already had a competing product line on the market.) brad
Tim Miller
User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Jul 2006
Dear All, I have been following this forum for some time now and find it most interesting to exchange information this way. I have to confess that I am not very experienced with forums and therefore have a question. I did see a message in this threat from Bob saying that Kalypso software development will be discontinued in September. Since I have a number of clients with Kalypsos this obviously is no good news to me. What really surprises me is that this post disappeared overnight. Can anyone explain why this is? Was this wrong information? Tim
brad fisher
User offline. Last seen 14 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Aug 2005
This is another example where there can be a software solution, if only someone made the effort. What you want to do is to move the crop area (or preset pattern) in one direction, and move the transform engine in the other direction by an equal amount. It shouldn't be that hard for the software to take the displacement value from the joystick, and apply it positively to one parameter and negatively in the other, thereby overcoming a hardware design restriction. If someone had a philosophical objection to changing parameters in two different menus (keyer & TE) simultaneously, you could also achieve something similar by coupling the TE Crop to the TE Locate within a single menu. Hardware is not the problem, it's an excuse (especially as the hardware was totally redesigned for the HD/Duo range - shortcomings of the Classic should have been overcome at the same time!). I've seen this question often enough on Editsuite.com to assume that there is a big need for this type of feature. Since Thomson seems to have the final software build around the corner, it's probably too late now. But until that time, we should continue to lobby them to keep the Kalypso at the cutting edge, and not let it slip behind. brad
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 4 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
The transform engines are downstream of the keyer processing. This means that the mask PRECEEDS the TE, and the mask will be manipulated along with the rest of the keyer. If you're doing something like a shot clock, there is a way aound this...put the TE on the second side of the M/E & position it where you need it (the easiest way is to use Split or Split Layered mode, although you CAN do it with the Programmable Clean feed mode if you isolate the keyers correctly. Then re-enter the 2nd side of the M/E as a key source on the primary side. Now the mask of the keyer will be downstream of the TE & you can move the TE within the mask. This technique also works if you want to do a preset pattern with the TE inside of the pattern.

Bob Ennis