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FoxBox when adding game clock

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

I did an FSN game yesterday and the FoxBox wasn't able to receive info from the scoreboard (pause for John Howard to laugh).

Anyway, two parts to this post.

1. Thanks to you guys, I didn't have to spend anytime figuring out a workaround for getting the clock to go away when the FoxBox animated off. I set up in ME1 with gameclock keyed/transformed over FoxBox and then split keyed that over ME3 with the FoxBox key signal.
(my preference is to scratch away at a problem like this, but with all the elements sitting waiting, its nice to have everyone's collective kowledge. I actually had one other issue that I used a workaround for, that I'm not asking for input on until I spend time thinking it thru myself)

2. Here's my question, though. When I did that, as the FoxBox animated on-since the FSN logo comes on midscreen top, runs right and then left- I was able to see a glimpe of the clock as the logo appeared in the middle.
It was visible for only a split second (took the director until 2nd or 3rd quarter before he noticed).
Short of going into ME1 and dissolving the clock on as the FoxBox animated on, was there any other way to avoid this, or did I get the best possible result? In the same situation, would most of you bother with dissolving the clock on/off or would you run with it as is?

Bonus question: I didn't see the rundown for the element reel until I was onsite. Does anyone have a copy as an excel document that they would be willing to share for future reference? If so, please email me.


Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
I don't do as much sports as others on this site, but I would let it ride until a director or producer noticed enough to say it looked bad. Since this only happens when they loose data, it is in theory not a normal thing anyway. At that point I am sure most would be happy you had a backup, better then no clock. Bill
User offline. Last seen 5 years 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005
If nobody minds, I'm going to "bump" my own topic up, because I am really curious about one part of this. Would you guys actually dissolve the clock on/off in whatever ME (or partition thereof) in order to avoid the "problem" I mention? Or would everyone let it ride, as I did? Thanks, all! Sean