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Hello from a Newbie!

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Jan 2008

My name is Ian, and like many who have posted on this website, I too am fed up with the boredom of directing newscasts. Worse, our station is Overdrive, which is not a bad system by any stretch of imagination. It makes sense and does what it's supposed to do, but I envy the crafts of true TDs and want to learn more.

Little background on me: I trained on Overdrive and I do use it to punch the shows, but I also learn by flipping through the manuals on the switcher myself. As a result, I end up using both for my shows just to stay sharp. OD is hooked up to a Synergy 3 SD, so it has all the core functions that a mid-grade switcher should have. A lot of the stuff I learned on the board is by trial and error, or by asking other TDs I know who thankfully have the patience to sit down and walk me through step by step.

So I'm exploring the realm of freelance TDing, and this seems like a great site for it.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Sep 2007
We have had it installed since Aug but Ive been playing on it since July. As for your "half" question? I HATE it! I wish our station didnt go so freaking cheap and wouldve bought a full 4 ME since they were saving so much by not getting the GV Kalypso or the Kahuna. I like the functionality of the half. Its just that the wipe, dve and dve buttons dont work. if they did, you would have a complete ability to do whatever you wanted wherever you wanted. they sum it up by saying well you can still do more than you could with the old switcher and i say yeah, but if im gonna buy a ferari-i want the power locks and windows too.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Jan 2008
I'm at KGPE the CBS affiliate in Fresno CA. Like you, I do play around with the switcher quite a bit and I do read the manuals whenever I have time. I definitely look forward to trading knowledge. Thank you for the offer, and if there's anything you need, let me know. I don't mind sharing what I know, and I always enjoy learnign new things. How long have you been using the 2.5? How do you like the "half" MLE?
User offline. Last seen 9 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Sep 2007
Hey Ian, I work at a tv station in WI and we just got a 2.5 Synergy. If you have questions on the board, I ll try to help, Im pretty handy with the one we have. Ive gone through and re-created every effect in the S and T menu, there are some other effects on the Ross website Im trying to re-create, from scratch, as well. Thats one thing you could do if youre trying to be better on the board itself. What station are you at?
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"