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Mp-ii 8000g

2 replies [Last post]
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005

Running an 8000G here, with 7.11 software. Just stumbled into something when trying to program a Keyframe Effect on a "sub" ME.

I've reassigned the "sub" MEs to my 10 region key panel, so that main and sub MEs are are different enables. When trying to build a simple effect, the switcher obviously remembers the keyframes (the effect runs), but I don't get any kind of a display in the Keyframe menu. I can clearly see a display on the far left of the GUI that says "ME-1 Sub" is enabled, but I don't see the number of the effect register, the number of KF's, or the timeline itself.



Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005
[quote="AJR"]I'm running the same setup over here and everything seems to be working fine. I highlighted M/E 1 Sub, recalled an empty register, inserted a few keyframes, and stored it. When I went to the keyframe menu, I saw "M/E1S" on the top right and 3/3 keyframes. I initially didn't see my M/E1S timeline but I had to scroll up a little bit through the regions and the timeline was there. -Allan[/quote] Thanks for checking it out on your set-up, Allan. I shut-down the entire system last night (frame, panel, everything), and was able to eliminate the errors I was seeing, plus a few others that had popped-up. Matt
User offline. Last seen 9 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Feb 2006
I'm running the same setup over here and everything seems to be working fine. I highlighted M/E 1 Sub, recalled an empty register, inserted a few keyframes, and stored it. When I went to the keyframe menu, I saw "M/E1S" on the top right and 3/3 keyframes. I initially didn't see my M/E1S timeline but I had to scroll up a little bit through the regions and the timeline was there. -Allan