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The shift buttons?

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 May 2008

I hope this does not sound like a stupid question..I can't believe that I can't figure this out right now.
I select shift, but in order to apply the sources on the shift side I have to hold down the shift key.
I notice the middle shift key when lit shows me the source names on nemonics. But it still selcts the regular sources.
Is there any sort of menu preference that I might have make changes too?
Thanks for your help.

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Speaking of shift did you notice when using the dual bgd bus or whatever having your key bus as shift sources is called, the main shift button does not function. Guess you wouldn't need it in that mode anyway.
User offline. Last seen 9 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Feb 2006
Right out of the box, that little shift button next to the source display readout is just a display shift. It'll show you the names of the sources on the shifted side but does no more. You can change that shift button to shift the display and serve as a XPT shift if you'd like. The way to do that is as follows: Go to ENG Setup, Panel, XPT Assign, Table Button Assign Select the table you would like to affect Change XPT Shift mode to "OFF" (this removes the shift button from the 32nd button on the XPT module) Change Display Shift Mode to "SHIFT ALL BUS" (this now turns the display shift into the XPT shift) The one downside to using the display shift as your main shift button is that when you press shift, it latches. There's no way around that. Just something to be aware of. Another issue is that you can't feed shifted sources to internal DME channels through the aux backsplash. You have to do it through the keyer/utility bus you're feeding to it. Hope that helps! -Allan