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Lance and Spotbox Loop issue

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Mar 2008

I had an issue last week with a lance/spotbox setup and recalling registers.

Here's my config:

PBUS Address #1-4, in kalypso set to spotbox A,B,C,D respectively. Lance A,B,C,D device number set to 1-4 respectively.  All triggers and recalls from the Kalypso Pbus menu work normally on all 4 channels when manually fired using the 'test triggers' buttons.

Here's my issue.  Whenever I recalled a register on spotbox A&B, the lance controller would always report 'invalid loop Ch d' even when no in/out points were set for channels C&D. I recalled the register with a master emem timline, pgm/pst, misc 3(macro), and misc 6(pbus lance 1-4) enabled, with 'register based recall' enabled only on lance 1&2.

The proper clips would recall on channels 1&2, but the lance would always report 'invalid loop channel D' with no marks set for channel D.  

I then ganged channels A&B on the lance(hold A/B, 'set') and tried again, no luck. I cleared the register, marked my clip on channels A&B again, tried the recall again, and still invalid loop ch D.

I couldn't use timelines to recall anything on spotbox C&D, but the play triggers would work.

Manual recalls of the same registers from the lance wouldn't produce the 'invalid loop' error.


Any ideas?  Is there something else in the kalypso setup or e-mem prefs that can cause this? 


User offline. Last seen 6 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Jan 2006

The only thing I can think of is that in the Kalypso PBus menu there was a loop trigger command (trigger 5) on KF 1 of PBus address 4 in the EMEM you're talking about.  THat would be why the Lance was responding with a loop error. It had no loop set (no ins and outs for channel D) but was being told to loop channel D.

As far as not being able to use timelines to recall anything on spotbox C & D if the "recall enable" button was lit in the PBus menu for Channels C & D (on and EMEM by EMEM basis) then you should have been able to do anything you wanted with those channels in conjunction with or indepently from Channels A and B.  The fact that the test triggers worked from the Kalypso but the timelines didn't points to some kind of error in the timeline.