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Kayenne Clean Feed

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Tyler Beckley
User offline. Last seen 8 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Aug 2008

So my "oh, we forgot to tell you that we need a clean feed" on a Kalypso gets done via bus links with source substitutions.  I am attempting to do the same thing on the Kayenne with no luck.  Is it not as simple as that or will I have to rebuild all my emems to make the clean feed happen?

User offline. Last seen 1 year 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005

It should be as easy if slightly different. Bus Links are now E-MEMable with Kayenne and have their own E-MEM level (LINK). You could build the link you need and make only a LINK level E-MEM to set it up - the Source Tables in the bus link menu are where you make all your source connections and substitute what you need to.If you want to add the link level to the E-MEMs you have you could use the "Put" mechanism in E-MEM Ops menus. Load the E-MEM with the required LINK level setting and then make sure only  the LINK level is enabled before using PUT to push it tt the other E-MEMs you want it in. Auto recall will update. I am using Version 3 to do this.

The big change is that bus links are not part of suite prefs but can be set on an E-MEM by E-MEM basis. The source tables are part of suite prefs so that you can be sure that they stay the same for a show. You probably already saw that you can link 1 master to have many slaves - either as 1 master to many slaves in one hit or as a master to slave to another slave and so on series.
